Sunday, July 30, 2006

Well I know teenagers eat a lot but the other day we bought cinnamon rolls at Cici's Pizza for breakfast the next morning. Matt stayed up late playing his computer game and when the rest of us woke up for breakfast Jerry fixed the coffee and I went to heat up the cinnamon rolls in the box. The box was empty!! Matt had eaten 12 cinnamon rolls. Now how does anyone eat 12 cinnamon rolls at one sitting. And yes I did wake the boy up and yes he said he had eaten them all cause he was hungry. It's not like he didn't have dinner that night, so we ended up with eggs, bacon and biscuits for breakfast. It was good but it wasn't cinnamon rolls. I told Matt he had to go to bed with the rest of us from now on. You would think someone that eats like that would have a big gut on them but no all 3 of my kids are small.




At 12:32 PM, Blogger dot said...

Sounds like a typical teen to me. I bet I could eat a whole box too but it would show on me! Oh to be a skinny teen again.

At 7:11 AM, Blogger Tina Leigh said...

Mouse, I feel your pain!! I had 3 boys at home but the oldest was the bottomless pit! Danny & I would have to hide sweets so that there would be some a long & a long. We joke now when he comes home, "QUICK HIDE THE FOOD! NICKS HOME!!" LOL! Tha bacon & eggs sounds good. I think I'll have some bacon & pinto beans tonight!

At 10:45 AM, Blogger mouse said...

It is my middle son, my oldest is 19, about 5'6" and only weights 105. He normally doesn't eat to much but sometimes can put away 3 bologna sandwiches. My middle son is 17 about 5'5" and weights about 110 but at times can eat as much as a horse and I wonder where it is going, his body isn't that big. Now my daughter is 14 about 5'2" weights 80 lbs and can put away more food than both the boys put together, just not all at once. She eats a little like every 30 minutes. Are all 3 of your boys grown now?

At 5:12 PM, Blogger dot said...

Hi, I keep waiting for a new post!! Tina is working those long shifts so she probably won't be on line for a couple days. I'll answer for her. Yes all three boys are grown and no longer live at home.


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