Friday, September 08, 2006

The Bates Motel

Well the first night we got here we arrived at 3:30 AM and my sister had found us what she thought was a real good deal on a motel room for 5 nights. The price was really low, something we would have paid and been looking for 10 years ago but we have matured and are better off financially nowadays (isn't everyone when they reach their 40's). Anyway the only problem with this place was it was a little like the Bates motel in that scary movie, can't think of the name of it right now but there was a window in the bathroom that led outside and it wouldn't lock, there was NO coffee pot in the room (a big shortfall where hubby is concerned), no DSL, nothing really for breakfast except cereal (rasin bran or cornflakes) and toast, no swimming pool, no ironing board and no cot. Anyway Lacy slept on the floor the first night and found a bug by the bathroom the next morning and went crazy soooo the next morning we went down the road and paid a little more but got this really nice room. It is big enough for the whole family, has a indoor pool and hot tub, TV with Nintendo on it, ironing board, coffee pot and a really good breakfast. So everyone is much happier. The funeral is today, not looking forward to that. Don't get me wrong, I love Linton I am just not so good at funerals. It kills me to see the people I love hurting and crying and I just want to do something to take away the pain but there is nothing you can do really except hug them. We went with Ruby yesterday to the funeral home where you talk to the guy about planning the funeral and what you want said, pick out the caskets and such. That is the first time I have been on that side of a funeral, (he has a beautiful casket) I have not lost anyone close enough to me that I have been on any side of a funeral except attending it. Well my grandparents but my parents did all the planning and did not take us. It was for sure a different look at things and I started thinking wow when some man ask me some day what do I want said about my mom or dad or husband what would I say?? Because when he was asking all of us I couldn't think of a thing at first and there is so much to say about Linton but my mind was just blank.....sorta like he was a really good man, what else do you say? We did end up with about 3 pages, a lot more than the funeral director needed I'm sure but it sure got me to thinking what would I say, what would quite Jerry say if we had to answer those questions? We should start writing stuff like that down and live a really full live because you never know when your time is up and you sure wouldn't want no one to have anything to say about your life except "Well she stayed home all the time and watched TV or played on her computer and that is about all she did, oh yea she could cook pretty good also." Well I have to go guys, it is time.


At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Know what you went through. I agree it is not easy. You just never think you will have to do it. I'm glad you had a safe trip. Your first motel sounds kind of like one Jeanne and I stayed at in Monterey the year I pulled my back after just 3 steps into the sand at the beach. Have a safe trip home.

At 7:17 PM, Blogger dot said...

Glad you were able to make a post. That was Psycho the movie and I wouldn't have been able to get in the shower if it was anything like that.
Sad stuff Mouse. Sometimes when people get old there isn't even anyone to go to their funeral. I always tell Tony there won't be anyone at mine and he says he'll try to hire some folks to go.

At 10:06 PM, Blogger mouse said...

dot you are just way to funny and so is Tony. He won't have to hire me I'll be there.

Barbara so good to see you on here. That trip to Monterey just didn't work out any way you looked at it.


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