Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Rings and Things

Well today I ordered Matt's senior ring, announcements, cap and gown and all the other stuff you have to get before your kid can graduate. He actually should have gotten his ring last year towards the end of the year but he didn't want a ring at that time, said he wouldn't wear it but changed his mind this year which is fine because I really would like for him to have a senior ring. He ordered a computer put under the stone and a gaming system put on the side with his name then the school mascot on the other side, the Chiefs. Plus we got his senior shirt. This is such an exciting year for your kid, a big step towards adulthood. He is debating between going to college or the Air Force. He is all set for college but everytime the Air Force guys come to his school he starts thinking about signing up all over again and I have to spend weeks trying to tell him why college would be so much better. I know that is probably wrong but I don't want him going to Iraq. If I felt like that was a war that was really to protect this country I would say son I love you but it is your duty to go but I don't feel that way nor do I trust our president enough to have my son sign up.
My daughter on the other hand brought home a note saying she could not stay in her seat in class so she gets to stay after school tomorrow for 45 minutes. So tomorrow she gets to sit in her room for 45 minutes when she gets home from school. She has no TV or stero in her room as of last week for getting suspended from the bus for 3 days because she could not sit in her seat on the bus. Do ya'll think super glue would keep her in her seat? I told her one more note from school and I will be going to school with her every day, sitting in her classes with her and eating lunch with her, after all she is in high school, not 2nd grade. She learned how to stay in her seat a long time ago but I think because they have more freedom in high school she seems to think the rules have changed. But she seriously DOES NOT want mama at school with her so maybe she will straighten up.

I will leave ya'll with a joke I received today.

One of the best marksmen in the FBI was passing through a small town. Everywhere he saw evidence of the most amazing marksmanship. On trees, on walls, and on fences there were numerous bull's-eyes with the bullet hole in dead center.
The FBI man asked one of the townsmen if he could meet the person responsible for this incredible accuracy.
They were introduced and the FBI man quickly realized that man was the village idiot.
"This is the best marksmanship I have ever seen," said the FBI man. "How in the world do you do it?"
"Nothing to it," said the idiot. "I shoot first and draw the circles afterward."


At 6:38 AM, Blogger dot said...

Funny joke! That would be the only way I could hit the bulls eye!
I enjoy hearing about your children but as for Lacy yes, get the super glue. lol

At 5:48 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

This certainly is an exciting year for your seems like only yesterday that my boys graduated from high school and then went to university for 4 years! Shawn graduated 5 years ago from university and Corey 2 years. Now they each have excellent jobs in their is so important!! Don't blame you for not wanting your son to sign up in the military!!! As for your daughter, threatening to join her at school might have done the trick! lol

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Roxanne said...

Loved the joke.

As a teacher of middle school students I will say that telling your daughter you will go to school with her is always trick that does the job. . .and if just the threat of it doesn't work, then I encourage you to follow through. It normally only takes one time--and her teachers will be glad to have you.


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