Friday, September 15, 2006

All In a Day

It's a really nice day here today, it is 74 outside right now. We filled all the bird feeders and the birds are flying around having a good time eating and singing.

Lacy got a bus note yesterday saying she talks to much on the bus (especially over railroad tracks) and won't stay in her seat. I wanted to write the bus driver back and say "Gee ya really think so?" But I didn't I just signed the note The parent whose child can't be quite.

Here are some tips I got in the mail, thought I would pass them on. I haven't tried any of them except the trash bag one and it does work pretty well, at least with the bags in the trash the kids will put a new bag on the can where gee if they have to walk over to the cabinet to get a bag it isn't going to get replaced by them until I tell them to put a bag in the trash.

DEFOG YOUR WINDSHIELD WITH A SWIPE Keep a blackboard eraser in your glove compartment. Just a few quick swipes can remove the fog that obscures your vision without leaving streaks.

BYE BYE SHOWER LINER GRIME Set the washing machine on warm and toss in the liner with 1/2 cup detergent 1/2 cup baking soda and a few towels. Add 1 cup vinegar to the final rinse.
NO SWEAT TRASH BAG REFILL TRICK Store a whole roll of trash bags at the bottom of your garbage pail. This way when you remove a full bag, you'll have a replacement right at your fingertips.
THE PEANUTS THAT HELP PLANTS THRIVE Use styrofoam packing peanuts in place of rocks to line the bottom of your pots. The peanuts hold moisture well so you dont have to water your plants as often.
ERASE PESKY CARPET DENTS Place a ice cube in the rug indentation. As it melts, the moisture sinks in and plumps up the fibers, so your carpet will become smooth and dent free again.*

I got a new cell phone yesterday, mine was starting not to work about half the time. Gee I love my cell phone but I just HATE when I have to get a new one. They advance faster than computers do, all I need is a cell phone so I can call people and set an alarm but heck nowadays the phones take pictures, let you use the internet, an address book which will hold up to a 1,000 names (heck I don't think I know a 1,000 people and I'm sure not going to be calling them all if I do), a do to list, picture caller ID, have something called bluetooth which is suppose to be like a walkie talkie, send e-mail, instant message and before long they will probably call your mom once a week to see how she is doing. So my new phone does all the above stuff but I can't even figure out how to find the alarm or set a number on it, can't erase the numbers that have called me that I don't need to keep. I have figured out how to make a call, that option they keep pretty simple. It took me an hour to set my ringtone or rather to try and set it, I finally gave up and Jerry set it for me. Tonight Michael is going to read my instruction book (he enjoys doing that kind of stuff, YUCK) and explain to me how all my stuff works. The one thing I really do like on this new phone is I can close it and set it down and still talk and hear the person talking (speaker phone). Oh yea they also have a place on there to check my minutes used and to pay my bill. Gee I just can't wait until someone invents the machine that will load and unload my dishwasher, hang the laundry and remind Lacy a 100 times in the afternoon to do her homework.


At 2:44 PM, Blogger dot said...

LOL Mouse. When the cell phones start doing all that I'll get one too! We've never had one so we don't have a clue. Do you do text messaging? I've heard people talk about it and see naughty kids doing it in church.

At 6:06 PM, Blogger mouse said...

I don't even know how to do text messaging. Lacy does, we just got her 200 text limit for $5.00 a month. I just use mine to call because we hardly ever use the house phone because we get so many sale's calls. We just let it ring and ring.

At 5:06 AM, Blogger Tina Leigh said...

Mouse thanks for the tips! Hey the cell phone buisness is a mess aint it!! I get a new one about every year. I never use all that stuff on there!!

At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I use text messaging. I talk to my niece and my sister in Ohio that way, and get messages to my kids efficiently when it's not convenient to talk. I don't use my cell to talk much, I mainly have it so that the schools can reach me during the day because I turn off my house phone when I'm sleeping.

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

I copied down the hints and especially like the idea of the garbage you, it's such a chore to have to go get a new bag! LOL Isn't it ridiculous how complicated cell phones are? Mine is over 3 years old now and it's a nice simple's starting to act funny, though, and the battery runs down low right away so I know I'll soon have to go buy a new they even make one now that DOESN'T have all those added features like taking pictures??? Either I'm getting old or this modern technology stuff is way beyond me! lol Take care!!

At 11:13 AM, Blogger mouse said...

I don't think they make just the simple phones anymore pea cause when I told the guy all I needed was a phone just to make calls on he laughed at me. I agree about the technology but luckly I have a son that is way into technology so he can explain it all to me.

tina I only get a new one when I have to, it is sorta like computers as long as mine is working I don't care how old it is I understand it don't change mine. Where Jerry and the boys and even Lacy would like a new one every year. They don't get it but they would like it.

connie if ya'll all had cingular phones you could talk free for as long as you want any time of day, that is how I keep up with my family in Texas, we are all on cingular.


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