Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Bad Parents

I don't know about ya'll but sometimes because of the way my 14 year old daughter acts I feel like I am the world's worst parent. Most of the time I can put some real thought behind that and figure out I am not because I have raised two boys that have been close to angles, no real problems, no stretching of my parental skills or questioning wheather I know what I am doing. So I figure God gave me this child to test my limits and so I wouldn't go around thinking I was a perfect parent and as a joke to drive me crazy as I am getting older. Besides I think God knows if he would have given me Lacy first there would have been no Michael and Matthew. Anyway a friend mailed me this picture the other day and after looking at it I could trully say "OK maybe I'm not THAT bad at parenting, just still a long way from perfect"

Now I know they are animals and some animals
don't have such big brains but I have to say I don't know any parents that are this bad. And then I start thinking well Adam and Eve didn't listen to God and I sure wouldn't call Him a bad parent so I have started trying to look at the situation with Lacy and us like that. I am going to change her name to EVE. Have a good day everyone.


At 6:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhhh I've got a 14 year old daughter too! All I will say is, I feel your pain. Because honey, I do.

Back to the books!

At 7:49 PM, Blogger dot said...

Mouse, she sounds like the typical 14 year old of today. Of course I don't know all she's done but there is a little 14 yr old that sits in front of me at church and I'd like to jerk her out. She just got a tatoo and she has a different boy sitting with her each week and they sure ain't listening to the preacher! Her Grandmother just seems not to see.

At 8:07 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

At that age they certainly do try to see just how far they can push you!!! You are certainly not bad parents...the character of the child is what is to blame. Believe me, she will outgrow it...just try to stay calm and keep enforcing your rules and values and eventually she will turn around. Hugs xoxo

At 8:46 PM, Blogger Roxanne said...

First of all, that poor, poor Momma duck. . .and I am hoping whomever took the pictures helped her get the ducklings out. . .which leads me to my next reason for commenting.

I teach in a Jr. High school. . .where 14 year olds abound. . .and our Assistant Principal's secretary once had a poster that said,'

"Raising children is like being pecked to death by ducks."

There ya go.

And, I will be posting about our first soccer games soon--a good time was had by all--and watching four and five year olds play a team sport is just more fun than most things I can think of right now--oh my!

At 7:22 AM, Blogger mouse said...

Thank you all for your comments. I think girls are just harder than boys or at least that is the way it has been in our family.

roxanne I love that poster cause some days it certainly feels like we are being pecked to death. Can't wait to read about the soccer games and your right watching the little kids play is lots of fun.

At 7:52 AM, Blogger Jenn said...

OOOOH those poor ducks. That is a horrifying picture...maybe I am sensitive?! LOL

It took me some thinking to come to the same conclusion about my son. I have 5 other children who each have their issues, but nothing like my son in question, they are really pretty good. This way I know it is not something I did or failed to do. It's really hard, but keeping a biblical perspective helps so much.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Tina Leigh said...

Mouse that was a terrible picture..LOL!! I was thinking about my boys on the way to work yesteday morning....it hit me that from the day you are aware a child is coming into the world is when you develop CHD..chronic heart disease. Think about it...your heart is never the same again. Sometimes your kids make you so proud your heart feels so full like it will bust anytime...then they do something to dissappoint you or worry you & you feel your heart tearing into. It's just heart problems all the time. I never know if I'm doing the right thing for them or not. Sometimes I get so mad at them I could just kill them...yep wring their necks!! Sounds terrible but if anyone says they havent felt that way....THEY ARE LYING OUT THEIR GRILL!! LOL!! CHD!!!!

At 5:47 PM, Blogger mouse said...

See I just have a weird sense of humor because I thought the picture was funny, of course I just assumed someone rescued the baby ducks cause I would have if I had been there.

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Barb said...

Oh no! All those little baby ducks fell through that grate! That's so sad! What a dumb duck!

Give yourself a little credit. Parenting any 14 year old is NOT easy. It gets better, though. Promise. :-)


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