Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Day In the Life

Well Halloween is now over and so even thought it is early I am going to go ahead and start getting my Christmas stuff out a little at a time since we are going to be in Texas for Christmas I want to be able to enjoy it some before we leave. We had a lot of trick or treaters come by for Halloween and gave out lots of candy even though we still have some left. Thankfully I bought candy that I didn't care much for and just the kids like so that way I am not tempted to eat it. Lacy went to a Halloween party at the church down the street but did more talking to her friends than trick or treating there so even she didn't come home with hardly any candy.

We sat outside on the front porch and passed out candy because everytime we would walk in the house another kid would come by so it was just easier to sit out there and hand it out. Anyway we had this skelton candle out there that dripped blood (red candle wax) when it was lit and Matt was helping me carry everything in around 8:30 and heck if he didn't end up accidently spilling the red wax all over the carpet going up the living room stairs. I know he felt really bad so I tried not to fuss. I looked on the internet and it said to put paper towels down and a warm iron, the problem is we looked everywhere for the iron yesterday and couldn't find it. I know it is still in a box in the garage somewhere but where......only God knows so today I am going to have to go buy a new iron because I have to get that red candle wax out of my off white/cream carpet.

It is cold here this morning, 43 degrees and is suppose to only get to about 60 today and then get really cold tonight so I think we will light the fireplace. Matt is still looking for a job and I am getting really depressed helping him look or taking him out to put his resumes in. I am proud of him for not getting down about it and he is getting much better at doing interviews. We went to a job fair the other day and the good thing is a number of employers told him as soon as he graduates that he has a job with their company but that isn't helping him now. You would think that someone knowing he can get a scholarship by getting an office job would go ahead and let him work part-time but guess it doesn't work that way in the real world. He has put out over 250 resumes at this point. We don't even know where else to go look for an office job anymore so I have told him he may have to just settle for a grocery store or fast food job and at least he would be making money for college and a car. That depresses him more than all the job hunting, not getting the scholarship just because he can't find an office job. Well I have plenty of housework to do today, laundry, clean the bedroom, bathrooms and figure out what's for dinner so I will chat at ya'll later.


At 12:55 PM, Blogger dot said...

Mouse, so sorry about your carpet. I sure hope you can get the wax out.
I hope Matt will be able to find the right job soon. That's great that he doesn't get discouraged especially after that many resumes.

At 11:29 AM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

Oh dear, I do hope you manage to get that wax off the carpet...I did read that using paper towel and an iron really works:-) I know how discouraging it is for kids trying to find a job these days but tell Matt to hang in might not be the one he really wants but he has to start somewhere. My boys worked as janitors for the Sports Complex to pay their way through University!

At 5:04 PM, Blogger Tina Leigh said...

Mouse it has been a longggg week for me! How did yours go? So how is the carpet looking? I bet you can get the wax out without a problem. No one will ever know...unless I come to visit, LOL! Those candles are pretty neat but messy. Well i hate that for Matt too...BUT keep encouraging him even if he has to take a job he doesnt want. Remind him that it will build character & there is always something he can learn at one job that will help him somewhere down the NEVER KNOW!! See ya!!


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