What A Day
Well it has been quite a day. The Falcons WON, yeeeehaww, beat the Pittsburg Steelers and it was a great game. My computer has been down nearly all day (Sunday) because Jerry was fixing something on it. Last night I had a few more pictures of my house to post but blogger just wouldn't let me so I will do that now._______________________________
We had a really good Saturday, the realtors out here had an open house party and invited all the neighbors (I'm sure to make it look crowded and fun) anyway they had hot dogs, drinks, chips, cookies, popcorn machine and a snowcone machine, plus they had one of those big jumping things for the kids, hay rides and for the 5 houses they were showing they drew a name in each of the houses and gave away $100.00 at each house. Of course we tried but didn't win but that is why we don't play the lottery very often. We let Lacy invite her latest boyfriend over Brad and he is a very nice boy. Jerry and I liked him a lot, he is well mannered and seems to be a really good kid. We were impressed with Lacy's choice in boys because some of the boys she likes are loud and lie about every other sentence, of course some people call that just trying to make themselves look cool but I don't like it and I have even gotten to where if they tell a big lie (which Lacy is inclined to believe) like I can do 6 flips off the diving board and then land in a perfect dive I will tell them they are lying especially if I see they are having trouble swimming. It could be because truth is something we stress so much with Lacy because she has a problem with the truth quite a bit herself. Anyway back to Saturday, we liked this boy so much that we ended up taking him out to eat with the family (Mexican tina) and was impressed again with his manners and then took him to a haunted corn maze with us which was very, very dark. They wait until about 8:30 to start it so it will be very, very dark and even though I thought there was a moon out Saturday night it disappeared when we went into the corn maze. It was probably afraid of the monsters as well. It was a lot of fun, of course we got lost in the corn maze and the monsters hiding in there would give us no help except to scare us into running down a different path. By the time we found our way out (I swear I think they would have let you wander around lost until morning) my legs were killing me, you can tell I don't get a lot of exercise. Anyway we finally made it back to the van and loaded up and when we backed up we didn't go anywhere, we were stuck!!!! So we got Jerry, Matt, Brad, Lacy and a couple of other nice guys to push while I hit the gas, it worked and we got out without a tow truck thank goodness. Anyway then we went and got movies and headed home, Brad wanted to come with us so we told him to call his parents as it was getting close to 10:00 and he came back to the house to watch a movie with Lacy. When we got home Michael and Christy were there, had just gotten back from Christy's family reunion so they all watched the movie while Jerry and I got on our computers. Jerry took Brad home around 11:30 but it was a real nice way to spend Saturday. The neighbors are having a block party on our cul-de-sac next Saturday and everyone is to wear costumes, Michael and Christy have theirs, Jerry and I are thinking of going as hobo's maybe, Lacy and Brad are talking about going as a king and queen and Matt will probably dress as a hobo with us. Anyway I will take pictures of all of us and post them next weekend. I did get some pictures in the corn maze and will post those in a second. Life is going pretty good right now, hope all is going well for you also.
Your computer got sick after yall made it eat that nasty mexican food!! Poor computer!! lol Oh is this a brand new house....I love that brick & I love those colors with it!! You will have to show us more pictures.
I'm so glad ya'll had a nice family weekend. It's good that the boys (being teenagers) still stick with ya'll. Brad does sound like a nice guy but don't brag too much on him or she'll get rid of him. lol.
Glad you had a great weekend, it does sound like fun :)
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