Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Flora wanted to see my rock collection so I got the picture and here they are. I keep them in my front jeans pocket all the time, they are like a good luck charm. If for some reason I forget them and leave the house I worry until I get home. Call me OC.


At 7:06 PM, Blogger Carole Burant said...

Diane!! I received your birthday card today (I think it went around the world a few times first! lol) so thank you SO much for your thoughtfulness! It certainly brought a huge smile to my face:-) Thank you again!!! I loved seeing the pictures of your Halloween decorations...I haven't quite finished mine yet so will take pictures once I'm done. I went into my first corn maze this past weekend...good thing it was daylight, I can't even imagine how I'd handle it in the dark! lol Hugs xoxo

At 9:25 PM, Blogger Barb said...

I can't believe you walk around with those beautiful rocks in your pocket. I'd have them on display somewhere. Somewhere very special. They're really gorgeous.

At 3:47 AM, Blogger Tina Leigh said...

So Mouse...when you forget your rock collection....you feel a little like you've lost your MARBELS!!! LOL!!! You do have some pretty ones there. Now i want to play marbels...I need a big fat cat eye!!

At 10:26 AM, Blogger dot said...

I like the green one that looks like jade

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

Pretty rocks. They look like some rocks that my kids picked out at a stop on a road trip we took this summer. Be careful not to lose any of them!! :-)

At 8:21 AM, Blogger mouse said...

Pea I can't believe it took that long to get there, it really must have gone around the world.

Thank you barb but like I say it is an obsession, I have to have them in my pocket.

tina I do feel like I have lost my marbles when I don't have them. Ha ha ha.

dot it reminds me of jade also but I'm pretty sure it is just an old rock.

kristen I have gotten one or two of them from shops like that, Michael got me one and then this summer I bought one in TN. Don't remember where the others came from.

At 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally it seems blogger is letting me comment on other people's blogs tonight, so this better work too...lol. I tried to comment on your rocks twice with no luck. They are so pretty! I'm sure keeping them in your pocket helps keep them nice and shiny! Thanks so much for sharing your photo.


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